Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be any COVID restrictions?
We will comply with all state and local guidelines that are in place on the day of the ball.  Vaccination and masks are encouraged, even if they aren’t required by those guidelines,

Do I need to bring a partner or a date?
No, you don’t need to bring a partner or a date.
Lots of people come stag. As usual with such events, there tend to be few more women than men, so ladies would be well advised not to wait to be asked, but to feel free to ask gentlemen to dance.

Do you serve Food?
We serve complementary light refreshments (cookies, water, lemonade). We suggest you dine before you come to the ball.

How do I join the Social Daunce Irregulars?
You don’t.
There are no dues, there is no membership, there is no newsletter. We are just a bunch of folks who like to get together and put on a ball.

Do you have a photographer?
Sometimes we have a photographer, and sometimes we don’t. We suggest you bring your own camera.

Can I put out fliers for my event or business?
We strongly encourage our guests to put out fliers for vintage dance, ballroom dance, folk dance or history related events (to include classes) at the ball and we have a designated flier table in the refreshment room for that specific purpose. We also permit fliers from businesses offering costuming supplies or other services which are specific to the vintage dance and historical reenactment community.
We don’t permit non history or dance related commercial advertisements on our table, such as travel packages, chiropractors etc.
However, even if you do fit our criteria, we require you to check with us beforehand when you wish to put out your fliers. You can ask at the front table as you enter the ball, or you can confirm before the ball by sending an E-Mail
We reserve the right to unceremoniously throw away any fliers we find on the table which we deem to be inappropriate.

How many people come to a ball?
We sell out at around 275 people